Points Unknown - Tutorials

00 - Installation Instructions for QGIS, Google Earth Pro, and Illustrator : This tutorial will describe the necessary steps to install the software used in the tutorials that follow, as well as throughout the various Points Unknown courses. QGIS Google Earth Pro Illustrator

01 - Creating Basics Maps : This tutorial will guide you through the necessary steps to create two basic maps: a land use map, and a building height map. QGIS

01 - Creating Basics Maps : This tutorial will guide you through the necessary steps to create a basic map showing NYC-based housing development from 2010-2019. QGIS

01 - Creating Basics Maps (Covid-19) : This tutorial will guide you through the necessary steps to create an incident-rate Covid-19 map of US counties. QGIS

02 - Working with Census Data and Creating a Race Map of NYC : This tutorial will guide you through the process of downloading census data and joining it to its corresponding shapefile to create a race map of New York City. In the process you will learn how to join by attributes, how to perform field calculations within QGIS, and how to create categorical as well as quantitative maps. QGIS

02 - Mapping Census and Covid Data : This tutorial will guide you through the necessary steps to create graduated cylinder maps of Covid rates at Colleges, and compare it against population data from the Census/American Community Survey. QGIS

03 - Point Data and Joins by Location : This tutorial will guide you through the necessary steps to bring in a csv file with geographic coordinates into QGIS and generate a point shapefile. In addition, you will learn how to join point data to polygons aggregating it at a larger geographic level. QGIS

04 - Geocoding Point Data : This tutorial will guide you through the necessary steps to bring in a csv file with address data into QGIS and geocode it, generating a point shapefile. In addition, you will learn how to join point data to polygons aggregating it at a larger geographic level. QGIS

05 - Spatial Analysis : This tutorial will provide instruction on how to create a 10-minute walking buffer from each accessible subway station, and will then reanalyze a choropleth map from a previous session, emphasizing areas of the city that are outside this buffer. The result will be a more accurate picture of areas the MTA should address through accessibility enhancements. QGIS

05 - Spatial Analysis (Updated) : This tutorial will provide instruction on how to create a 10-minute walking buffer from each accessible subway station, and will then reanalyze a choropleth map from a previous session, emphasizing areas of the city that are outside this buffer. The result will be a more accurate picture of areas the MTA should address through accessibility enhancements. QGIS

05 - Spatial Analysis (Updated - COVID-19) : This tutorial will provide instruction on how to create a 10-minute driving buffer from dollar stores (Dollar General and Dollar Tree) in Georgia, and will then compare those driving buffers against vaccination sites, emphasizing the opportunity public health officials had in leveraging existing private infrastructure. The tutorial will then analyze general vulnerability of these areas. QGIS

06 - Creating an Annotated 3D Scene : This tutorial will describe the necessary steps to create an annotated map using Google Earth 3D imagery and Adobe Illustrator. Google Earth Pro Illustrator

07 - Creating Annotated 3D Basemaps : This tutorial will describe the necessary steps to create an annotated map using Google Earth 3D imagery and Adobe Illustrator. QGIS Web Mapping Illustrator Google Earth Pro

08 - Introduction to Web Mapping with Election Data : This tutorial will guide you through the basic steps in creating an interactive web map displaying 2020 presidential election data. In this process we will use Mapbox GL JS as the main JavaScript library powering the interactive map. Web Mapping Mapbox Python Pandas Geopandas

09 - Introduction to Web Mapping with MTA Turnstile Data : This tutorial will guide you through the basic steps in creating an interactive web map displaying MTA turnstile data. In this process we will use Mapbox GL JS as the main JavaScript library powering the interactive map. Web Mapping Mapbox

10 - Setting up a Story Map with Mapbox Storytelling : This tutorial will guide you through the basic steps to setup a story map using Mapbox's storytelling template. We will use the previous web map displaying MTA turnstile data as the basis for our story. In this process we will use Mapbox GL JS, as well as Intersection Observer and Scrollama as our main JavaScript libraries. Web Mapping Mapbox

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